
About ROR financials

In line with ROR’s commitment to openness and transparency, and in order to provide useful information about the costs of maintaining free and open infrastructure, we aim to share annual financial reports starting with 2023. This year is the most useful benchmark for establishing ROR’s operating costs as it represents the period in which the current resourcing model and complete staffing structure were solidified.

The Crossref accounting team administers ROR’s financial operations on behalf of ROR. Financial processes are described in full in the ROR Memorandum of Agreement. Accounting periods are for calendar years. Accounting currency is the US Dollar (USD).

2023 report

In total, it cost $607,810 to operate ROR in 2023. This is fairly consistent with the past couple of years, and we therefore budgeted a similar amount for 2024.

Thanks to the generous support of the community, we were able to cover 58% of ROR’s operating expenses in 2023 from ROR supporter contributions and from our multi-year grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services. The remaining 42% of ROR’s expenses were covered in-kind by ROR’s three operating organizations.

People power open infrastructure, and ROR is no different. The majority (87%) of ROR’s expenses go toward dedicated personnel (see more information on the ROR team). The remaining 13% were non-personnel expenses, including AWS hosting fees, travel to meetings and conferences, and administrative expenses.

Available funds (in USD)
Funds on hand (as of 1 January 2023)68,305
Funds raised in 2023252,498
Grant funds applied in 202379,026
2023 expenses as covered by funding source (in USD)
ROR FundsCDLDataCiteCrossrefTotal
Personnel (salary & benefits)285,10047,98637,841151,570522,497
Metadata curation contractors8,8928,892
Travel & meetings24,02218524,206
Admin (e.g., software licensing, website development, grant fees, bank fees)*31,2373,23334,470
% by funding source of total expenses58%8%9%25%

*Admin fees for 2023 reflect a one-time fee of 25,000 EUR paid to SCOSS for administrative support as part of ROR’s participation in SCOSS’s 2023-2025 funding cycle.

2024 projection

2024 budget by funding source (in USD) (mid-year projection)
ROR FundsCDLDataCiteCrossrefTotal
Personnel (salary & benefits)85,293160,056198,276443,625
Contractor projects60,00060,000
Travel & meetings22,00022,000
Admin (e.g., software licensing, website development, grant fees, bank fees)6,5006,500
% by funding source of total expenses16%15%33%36%

2025 projection

2025 budget by funding source (in USD) (projected)
ROR FundsCDLDataCiteCrossrefTotal
Personnel (salary & benefits)127,764160,056226,200514,020
Contractor projects70,00070,000
Travel & meetings30,00030,000
Admin (e.g., software licensing, website development, grant fees, bank fees)7,8007,800
% by funding source of total expenses17%20%28%35%

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