ROR-Ing Around the Clock at PIDapalooza21

By Maria Gould | February 12, 2021

In the same week that ROR celebrated its third birthday, PIDapalooza celebrated the fifth festival of persistent identifiers, also as a virtual event. Across three tracks, seven languages, and twenty-hour hours, PIDapalooza21 highlighted the latest updates from the wide world of persistent identifiers, with a focus how open infrastructure and rich metadata are key to harnessing the power of PIDs. As a prime example of open identifier infrastructure that is designed to enrich scholarly metadata, ROR featured prominently in many PIDapalooza21 sessions. Here are some highlights, with links to the recordings:

ROR also presented “The ABCs of ROR,” a general orientation to the basics of ROR in PIDapalooza’s PIDs 101 track geared at introducing newcomers to different identifiers. This session was run twice, once in English and once in Spanish.

All of the PIDapalooza videos can be accessed on YouTube.

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