ROR's Year in Review: 2022

By Maria Gould | December 20, 2022

2022 has been a momentous year for ROR! We experienced significant growth, reached critical milestones, and established a foundation for long-term sustainability. As the year comes to a close, we’re taking a moment to reflect on our activities and give thanks to our community for supporting us along the way.

2022 highlights

Activities and milestones we’re proud of in 2022 include:

2022 by the numbers

Another way to understand ROR’s growth in 2022 is looking at our activities in numbers.

  • ROR API usage grew to 13+ million requests per month in 2022, up from ~6 million per month at the end of 2021 and ~3 million per month at the end of 2020. 

  • We published eighteen registry data releases, which comprise the addition of 2,010 new organization records and the application of 11,135 updates to 10,073 existing records (about 10% of the total registry).

  • The ROR data dump had approximately 2,900 unique downloads

  • Community participation remained strong, with 50+ attendees at ROR’s bi-monthly community advisory meetings, 3,000+ email newsletter recipients, and 2,100+ Twitter followers. 

  • ROR team members presented at 16 conferences and community events. 

Looking ahead

We’re proud of what we accomplished in 2022, and we’re looking forward to another productive year. In 2023, we’ll be focusing on accelerating ROR integrations, scaling our technical infrastructure, and improving coverage and quality of the ROR dataset.

As always, in all of this work, we will continue to depend on community input and involvement to make sure we are reflecting your needs and use cases. Thank you for your continued engagement and support!

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