PIDapalooza - Finding Buried Treasures: The Quest to PIDify Affiliations in Data Pubs

PIDapalooza - Finding Buried Treasures: The Quest to PIDify Affiliations in Data Pubs

  • Date: Thursday, January 24, 2019
  • Location: Dublin, Ireland
  • Description: Dryad, like many other initiatives in this space, has a big problem: we can’t find institutional affiliations for data publications. And with this missing corpus, we are missing opportunities like institutional involvement and open source reporting on research data. Enter, Research Organization Registry (ROR)! A community led project to develop a unique identifier for every research organization in the world. With this open infrastructure, we believe we can trace back and map research output by institution for Dryad datasets. By bringing organizational identifiers into a platform like Dryad, we can think about interconnecting PIDs and improving our metadata. Let's discuss how we can harness the power of organizational PIDs to help locate these buried treasures that will allow for us to address long standing and urgent needs for institutions, libraries, and researchers.


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