
Case Studies

Case Study: ROR in Scholastica Products

Scholastica, a journal publishing technology solutions provider, has incorporated ROR IDs into its Peer Review System, Production Service, and Open Access Publishing Platform.

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Adoption News

Europe PMC announces ROR integration into Grant Finder

Europe PMC, one of the largest providers of high-performance search tools for life sciences literature, has announced that its Grant Finder now incorporates Research Organization Registry (ROR) IDs to help users find active and completed grants awarded by Europe PMC funders.

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Case Studies

Case Study: ROR at Rockefeller University Press and Silverchair

Rockefeller University Press has incorporated ROR into many aspects of their workflow, and their platform provider Silverchair was there to help.

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Parents, Children, and Other Relationships in ROR Records

One common question we receive about ROR registry records is whether they reflect organizational hierarchy and relationships between organizations – yes, they do!

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Case Studies

Case Study: ROR in Caltech Repositories

In this case study we interview Tom Morrell, Research Data Specialist at Caltech Library and key contributor to the open source research data management system InvenioRDM, about Caltech’s early adoption of ROR IDs in their repository systems and why InvenioRDM is architected with ROR IDs for funders and author affiliations.

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Case Studies

Case Study: ROR in FAIRsharing

In this installment of the ROR Case Studies series, we talk with Allyson Lister, Content and Community Lead for FAIRsharing, a cross-disciplinary registry of scientific standards, databases, and policies, about how and why FAIRsharing used ROR to help make organizations first-class citizens in their data model.

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Case Studies

Case Study: ROR in the COS Open Science Framework

This conversation with Eric Olson of the Center for Open Science is the first in a new series of interviews, “Case Studies in ROR Integration,” a series designed to provide in-depth detail on why and how people are choosing to integrate ROR IDs into their systems.

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Team Updates

Welcome Amanda French, Technical Community Manager

We are thrilled to introduce a new member of the ROR pride: Amanda French has joined ROR as our full-time Technical Community Manager.

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Team Updates

ROR Is Hiring a Technical Community Manager

ROR is hiring! We are looking for a full-time Technical Community Manager to expand the adoption and integration of ROR throughout the global scholarly communications ecosystem.

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General Updates

Aligning ROR with the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure

The scholarly community depends on a network of open identifier and metadata infrastructure. Content identifiers and contributor identifiers are foundational components of this network.

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