
Team Updates

Welcome Riley Marsh, Metadata Manager

We are thrilled to introduce a new member of the ROR pride: Riley Marsh joined the ROR team in August as our new Metadata Manager.

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The Myth of Perfect Metadata Matching (cross-post)

The third blog post about metadata matching by ROR’s Adam Buttrick and Crossref’s Dominika Tkaczyk discusses a few common myths about metadata matching that are often encountered when interacting with users, developers, integrators, and other stakeholders.

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Adoption News

Re-introducing Participation Reports to Encourage Best Practices in Open Metadata (cross-post)

Crossref, with the help of CWTS Leiden, has just released an exciting update to their participation report, adding metrics for both affiliations in general and ROR IDs in particular.

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How ROR and the Open Funder Registry Overlap: A Closer Look at the Data

Following on the announcement that Crossref’s Open Funder Registry will be merging with ROR after 2024, we’d like to do a deep dive into the specifics of the evidence that ROR is ready to take on the important work that the Open Funder Registry has been doing: identifying research funders in a clean, consistent, comprehensive, and interoperable way.

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Help Us Test v2 of the ROR API!

After nearly a year of planning and community input, we are thrilled to release a beta version of ROR’s first major schema and API update, which is open to the public for testing through October 16, 2023.

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General Updates

Open Funder Registry to Transition to ROR (cross-post)

Crossref has announced a long-term plan to deprecate the Open Funder Registry and merge it with ROR in order to make workflows more efficient for all concerned.

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Parents, Children, and Other Relationships in ROR Records

One common question we receive about ROR registry records is whether they reflect organizational hierarchy and relationships between organizations – yes, they do!

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Schema Scheming: Evolving the ROR Data Model

We’ve run several calls for feedback in 2022, but here’s one you’ll definitely want to chime in on: our draft proposal of major changes to the ROR data model for schema version 2.

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What's in a name? Handling name metadata in ROR

The ROR registry includes unique IDs and associated metadata records for 100,000+ research organizations. Each one of these organizations has at least one name.

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General Updates

Aligning ROR with the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure

The scholarly community depends on a network of open identifier and metadata infrastructure. Content identifiers and contributor identifiers are foundational components of this network.

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